Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Weaning Baby

Weaning Baby

What should I be feeding my baby?

How to wean:

Baby Food Fruit Organic

When you start introducing foods to baby, it is a good idea to introduce new foods One at a time. Try to leave a week in the middle of the introductions of new foods. This way you can decree straight away if there is an allergy to the new food. Introduce a wide variety of food over time and alternate foods that you know your baby can tolerate so that you are not relying too much on one type of food.

Here are some guidelines of foods to include:

1. Breast milk or formula
2. Rice Cereal is a good choice because it is least likely to cause an allergic reaction, if you can find one fortified with iron, that will be useful after 10 months. Rice cereal is precisely digested, it contains foremost nutrients and can be altered in consistency to meet a baby's improvement needs. Mix the cereal with baby formula to furnish a level cereal that is not too thick and is easy for a young baby to swallow and digest.
3. Vegetables and fruits. A wide variety of vegetables and fruit can be introduced over time. Watch your baby intimately for reactions (symptoms like stuffy nose, tugging on ear, sore tummy, headache, diarrhea) when introducing citrus fruits e.g. Oranges, mandarins as these foods can cause allergies. Avoid processed, canned or tinned vegetables they often have high quantities of salt and sugar and often also add dairy or wheat. It is best to put in order your own veggies (butternut, green beans, sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower) and fruits such as bananas and pawpaw, stewed apple. Grate apple and pear or other harder fruits, so they can be given raw and can limit choking hazards. Beetroot, carrots, spinach, turnips, collard greens are high in nitrates when ready at home, so don't give too many to your baby until she is a dinky older, as it can deplete her iron. Limit these veggies to once or twice a week. Watch out for choking hazards with big pieces of fruit or veggies (including raisins, whole grapes, celery, string beans). Avoid introducing vegetables from the "night shades" to early such as marrows, aubergines, tomato, and peppers.
4. Lean meat and poultry: you can feed your baby a dinky bit of well cooked beef or chicken finely chopped or ground. There is no need to add seasoning or fat to this. You may introduce well-cooked egg yolks but avoid feeding your baby egg white at this stage.
5. Suitable grains consist of millet, rice, quinoa and buckwheat.

Over 1 year old:

Leave healthy snacks out for your baby to help itself to, and commonly ask eating opportunities: rice crackers, banana, fresh fruit, like pear, melon, pawpaw, avocado, chicken pieces. Have set "eating" times as a family to establish of habit of "food time". Eat together to set a good example. Avoid feeding empty nutrient foods. Give your baby nutrient dense foods first and primarily. Make sure if you can your child eats something solid prior to breastfeeding of formula feeding, otherwise they might will fill up on milk and may not wish to eat.

What to Avoid or limit feeding your weaning baby:

Avoid processed food, sugar or sugary foods, honey, chocolate, foods containing additives and the coarse allergy inducing foods especially wheat and dairy. In terms of meat and meat products: avoid feeding your baby hot dogs, sausage, bacon, salami, luncheon meats, cured meats and fried meats and shellfish. It is not recommended to give your baby juice or tea, limit its fluids to formula (or water if necessary). Below is a guide to help you.

The top 20 coarse allergy foods:

Delay introducing these foods for as long as potential (not before 1 year old). If you want to reintroduce any of these foods, introduce them one at a time, and leave a week to 10 days to see if an allergy presents. (Symptoms to look for are runny nose, eczema, ear ache, diarrhea, rashes, swollen lips, mouth, tongue, upset tummy or bowel movements).

1. Cow's Milk
2. Wheat gliadin
3. Gluten (gliadin): found in wheat, rye, and barley
4. Yeast
5. Egg whites
6. Cashew nuts
7. Egg yolk
8. Garlic
9. Soya beans
10. Brazil nuts
11. Almonds
12. Corn
13. Hazelnuts
14. Oats
15. Lentils
16. Kiwi Fruit
17. Chilli peppers
18. Sesame seeds
19. Sunflower seeds
20. Peanuts

Check labels and avoid foods that contain:

1. Sucrose, glucose, malt, dextrose, inverted sugar syrup, golden syrup, corn syrup, honey and hydrogenated or trans fats.
2. Additives: artificial colourings, sweeteners, preservatives and flavourings (such as tartrazine (E102), mono-sodium glutamate (Msg) and caffeine).

Weaning baby is one of the most foremost steps where nutrition and your child's condition is concerned. If you need more data or advice please contact our noteworthy nutritionist.

Weaning Baby

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